But sometimes, like when I've had bronchitis for two weeks and breathing still hurts and I'm still waiting for the antibiotics to kick in, I get a little desperate. What ends up on the table for dinner is whatever takes the least amount of energy, like oatmeal, or pancakes, or soup from a can.
So last night I had five hungry people, and not enough time to heat up the frozen lasagna. What to do? Here's the smorgasbord of random frozen foods we ended up with:
- clam strips
- breaded fish fillets
- french fries
- spanakopita; plus a little nod to nutrition:
- applesauce
- orange slices
At least there was some effort to pull a meal together Mrs. Peevie. I have given my kids cereal for dinner. After they had it for an equally, well-planned breakfast.
Yeah, baby, me too. Cold cereal is a staple in our house for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and before bed snacks.
We're doing the best we can, right?
Yes I have, and do you think I am going to post that here?
Come on, Bucky, post it. I don't mean serving yourself a lamer dinner--I mean serving other people a lamer dinner. For myself, I've made WAY lamer dinners than that. Keep in mind I often serve myself Pringles and Diet Coke for breakfast!
When I was on the first round of the evil recurring virus, I told my kids to get money from the petty cash jar and take themselves to McDonald's.
I enjoy cooking, but it takes so much time to make delicious, healthy meals. Recently I realized I could afford to hire someone to help me out a few afternoons a week so I can finish my work and not have to burn the midnight oil. So a friend who's between a job and the start of grad school comes over and hangs out with the kids and makes dinner.
The first week of this I came home and smelled the good cooking and said, "I feel like I have a wife!" I was so happy.
I never realized what a lovely thing it is we do for our families.
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