My tender-hearted middle son is learning a very difficult life lesson: people suck. They lie and they steal and they hurt you--and some can do it without even blinking. It is breaking his heart, and consequently, it is breaking my heart as well.
We were so happy when our new neighbors moved in, because they have two young boys for A. Peevie to play with. He was too shy to introduce himself when we first saw them, but within two days the three boys were practically inseparable. A. Peevie could barely bring himself to come in and eat dinner when M.Boy and A.Boy were around.
One day, when M. Peevie was frustrated about her missing cards, she picked up her gumption and marched right next door and rang the bell. "A.Boy," she said firmly, "Do you have my Pokemon cards here?" He did, and she got them back. I was sort of impressed at her resolve.
Another time, A. Peevie was fiercely upset that M.Boy had stolen a really good card from another neighbor boy, K-Pup. He was actually crying and sobbing about the injustice of it all. "Why would M.Boy do that?" he asked, not entirely rhetorically. "Why won't he give it back? It's not right."
Then he became the Avenging Angel. "I'm going to get K-Pup's card back," he said firmly, wiping his tears and putting on his red cape. "I'm going to tell M-Boy that he has to give K-Pup his card back, and I'm gonna keep on nagging him until he does it." He approached M-Boy several times about the card, but M-Boy had a different excuse every time. The last time, A. Peevie told me, M-Boy said he wouldn't give it back because, he said, "I'm evil." I am not even lying.
Not only did things disappear, but we also learned that the A/M-Boys were trying to obtain our wireless password so that they could have wireless access without paying for it. "Our mom needs it because she needs to pay bills," A-Boy told A. Peevie disingenuously, and repeatedly.
"Did you give it to them, A.?" I asked.
"No," he said, "And plus, I know they're lying." He had asked A/M-Mom whether she had asked them for the wireless password, and she knew nothing about it. Again, this broke A. Peevie's heart, and he wept because his heart felt betrayed.
1 comment:
So sad. I remember when I learned people suck. I was about his age. :(
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