Monday, October 1, 2007

On Board

I'm stepping out, people. I joined the Barack Obama campaign last night. I even started a blog on the Obama website, called On Board.

I guess I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired*. In party politics, there has not been much to be excited about on either side for a long time.

I have typically been in favor of a smaller federal government with power redistributed to the states. When I vote Republican, this is often a key factor. But President Bush is a big government Republican; and in fact, he has essentially nurtured an "era of new federalism" in which Washington gets to oversee lots of stuff that they should keep their hands out of--like local schools, for example.

Remember "No Child Left Behind"? This under-funded education debacle has resulted in teachers teaching to the test and schools eliminating un-tested subject areas from their curriculum, such as science, foreign language, social studies, and arts. It's not that NCLB is a bad idea--it's just poorly executed.

Mr. Obama has recommended reforming and fully funding NCLB. He supports expanding early childhood education, which is hard to argue against. He has suggested some ideas for improving teacher quality, such as rewarding innovation, paying teachers more, and giving successful teachers more control over what they do in their classrooms. You can read more about Obama's thoughts on improving education here.

Anyway, I'm on board the Obama campaign train. What about you?

*I'm too tired to check this right now, but I think this is a direct quote from an Obama speech.


Anonymous said...

*Re sick and tired, Obama didn't say it in a public speech, he was quoted in an article for The Nation. In 1964. When he was a woman named Fannie Lou Hamer running for Congress. (source, http://google)

Anonymous said...

*Re sick and tired, Obama didn't say it in a public speech, he was quoted in an article for The Nation. In 1964. When he was a woman named Fannie Lou Hamer running for Congress. (source, http://Googlesoitmustbetrue)

Hpaul said...

Oddly Ms Peevie while you have steadily increased your support of Obama, I have steadily moved away from him. I soooo agree with you on Bush and the Republicans becoming big spenders. I also agree that NCLB is not good, but remember the NCLB was Ted KEnnedy's idea and Bush kind of gave him a blank check. Obama has already promised to get rid of all the Bush tax cuts, the one reason the economy has maintained in spite of over the top spending. Check federal income prior to Bush tax cuts and post, federal income went up since the cuts. People like spending their money when they get the chance. If I am right Obama also refused to condemn the Betray Us put up by the Hillary initiated group. And didn't Obama also remain silent while R Limbaugh was slandered in the Senate all week? By the way, it was slander the Limbauh video is on You Tube, he said nothing amiss. I may have to hold my nose and vote Giulianni.